How to Use a Workout Bench at Home?

We’ll show you an effective full-body weight bench press workout that you can do at home or in the gym. If you’re looking to build your home gym, a good workout bench and a set of weights is all you need for a full-body workout. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, you’ll be amazed at how well you can target your upper and lower body with just one bench.

👉Here will present 12 bench exercises you can do at home:

1.Concentration curls
2.Dumbbell bench press
3. Reverse dumbbell fly
4.Dumbbell shoulder press
5.Single arm dumbbell row
6.Incline dumbbell bench press
7.Decline dumbbell bench press
8.Lying Teicep Extensiona (Skull crushers)
9.Bench Reverse Crunches
10.Glute Bridge
11.Tricep Dips
12.Leg Lowers

It is packed with videos, step-by-step how-tos, and workout tips.

Table of contents

1. 11 BENEFITS OF WEIGHT BENCH keyboard_arrow_down
2. CONCENTRATION CURLS keyboard_arrow_down
3. DUMBBELL BENCH PRESS keyboard_arrow_down
4. REVERSE DUMBBELL FLY keyboard_arrow_down
5. DUMBBELL SHOULDER PRESS keyboard_arrow_down
6. SINGLE ARM DUMBBELL ROW keyboard_arrow_down
7. INCLINE DUMBBELL BENCH PRESS keyboard_arrow_down
8. DECLINE DUMBBELL BENCH PRESS keyboard_arrow_down
10. BENCH REVERSE CRUNCHES keyboard_arrow_down
11. GLUTE BRIDGE keyboard_arrow_down
12. TRICEP DIPS keyboard_arrow_down
13. LEG LOWERS keyboard_arrow_down

MORE keyboard_double_arrow_down LESS keyboard_double_arrow_up


  • Weight bench is the basis for improving physical fitness.
  • Weightbenches help build muscle, strength and burn fat.
  • Maximize the return on investment of dumbbells and barbells.
  • Use a weight bench to lift heavy objects more safely.
  • Use the bench to increase the bench press by 10%.
  • Fix the thin chest with the incline bench press.
  • Add 7% shoulder compression on the bench.
  • The weight table will help define your abs.
  • Repair skinny biceps with a weight bench.
  • Use a bench to define your legs with littleweight.
  • Burn more fat with a weight table circuit.



Major Working Muscles: Biceps 

How to:

  • Starting position: Squat on the ground or sit on a bench, hold a dumbbell in one hand, let the elbow of the upper arm be attached to the inner thigh of the same side, and the forearm is straight down and relaxed. The other hand is pressed inward on the other thigh, and the writing is slightly bent.
  • Action process: Contract the arm’s biceps holding the bell and bend the forearm upward. When it reaches the highest point possible, fully contract the biceps for 1-2 seconds, extend the elbow joint and let the dumbbell slowly drop to the starting position. After doing one side, switch to the other side. Practice so repeatedly.
  • Breathing method: Inhale when you bend your forearm and exhale when you reach the highest point until the lowest end.

Related Post: How to concentration curl


Major Working Muscles: Pecs

How to:

1: Lie on your back on a flat bench with your feet flat on the ground. Bend both elbows and hold the kinetic dumbbells, fists facing each other, palms facing the legs’ direction, the dumbbells’ axis is located 1 cm above the nipples (middle of the pectoral muscles), against the chest.

2: Push up, pull in both elbows, and clip the chest while clipping the elbows. As the dumbbells move upwards, they are slightly biased forward in a parabolic trajectory. When the arms are straight, the center of gravity of the dumbbells is close to the support point of the shoulder joint.

3: Then, open the two straight arms to the sides, bend the arms slowly, and drop the dumbbell vertically. When it falls to the lowest point, do the pushup.

Related Post:
How to do dumbbell bench press
Barbell bench press vs dumbbell bench press


Major Working Muscles: Upper back and shoulders

How to:

Set your adjustable weight bench to a 45-degree angle. Place your feet on the sides of the court and lift your arms while contracting your back muscles and keeping your spine straight. Your arms should be slightly bent and you should push them back as far as you can before you release them.


Major Working Muscles: Deltoid, supraspinatus, triceps, trapezius, pectoralis

How to:

The bench is upright, with the back firmly pressed against the bench. With your feet firmly on the ground, lift your arms so your elbows are at a right angle and your shoulders are in line with your back. Push the dumbbells up and in a smooth, controlled motion, so they meet when your arms are straight. Lower your back and return to the starting position.


Major Working Muscles: Latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, posterior deltoid, and trapezius 

How to:

Stand on the side of the weight bench with your knees closest to the bench against the seat. Bend over and support your weight on the arm most comparable to the bench, keeping it straight. Lift the weight with your outer arm so that your thumb touches your armpit. Squeeze your back muscles as you reach the top, lower your back.

Related Post: Bent over dumbbell row


Major Working Muscles: Chest 

How to:

  1. Sit on an incline bench with a dumbbell in each hand, resting on your thighs, palms facing each other.
  2. Then, lift the dumbbells with your thighs, one at a time, and place them in front of your chest, palms forward, shoulder-width apart. At the same time, lie back on the backrest, chest and abdomen. This is where the action starts.
  3. Then, use the strength of the chest to press the dumbbells up while exhaling, remember to maintain control of the dumbbells throughout the whole process, and keep the chest and abdomen.
  4. Straighten your arms naturally, stop when you reach the top, then start to descend slowly, and breathe in when you fall. Ideally, the descent should take twice as long as the lift.
  5. The above is a complete action, repeat the step up to the recommended number of times.
  6. When you’re done training, return the dumbbells to your legs and the floor. This is how the dumbbells are placed safely.

Variation: You can fine-tune the angle of the stool according to your situation.

Related Post: incline bench press


Major Working Muscles: Chest

How to:

  1. With your legs pinned to the top of an incline bench, hold a dumbbell in each hand on your legs, palms facing each other. Then lie down and keep your chest out.
  2. After lying down, lift the dumbbells above your chest, shoulder-width apart. Then rotate your wrist so that your palm faces forward. This is where the action starts.
  3. Slowly lower the dumbbells to your sides while breathing in. Maintain control of the dumbbells as you descend. Tip: The forearm should remain perpendicular to the floor throughout the procedure.
  4. When the chest is stretched to the limit, then use the muscle strength of the chest to press the dumbbell up while exhaling quickly.
  5. When arms are straight and the dumbbells are lifted to the top, squeeze the chest, pause for a while, and slowly return to the starting position.
  6. The above is a complete action; repeat the move to the recommended number of times.
  7. Keep your chest and abdomen high throughout the movement, and your forearms are perpendicular to the ground. Ideally, the descent takes twice as long as the lift. 

Related Post: decline dumbbell bench press


Major Working Muscles: Upper Lats

How to:

1.Lie down on a flat bench. Face up with your feet on the ground. Start by holding a dumbbell in each hand, with your arms straight in front of your chest. Your hands should face each other.

2.Keeping your elbows in place, lower the dumbbells to head level. Only your forearm should move.

3.Squeeze those triceps hard at the bottom of the movement.

4.Exhale and focus on the contraction of the triceps as you lift the weight back to the starting position.


Major Working Muscles: Abs and obliques 

How to:

1.Lie on your flat bench facing the ceiling. Grip the top of the bench above your head with both hands.

2.Think about using just your core as you lift your lower torso and legs above the bench. Curl your back and bend your knees, bringing them as close to your nose as possible.

3.Pause to squeeze your lower abs hard, then slowly bring your legs and torso back down.


Major Working Muscles: Glutes

How to:

1.Start in the same position as the pullover, with the body perpendicular to the bench. Your shoulders should rest on top, your legs should be squatted, and your feet should be on the floor.

2.Press your feet into the floor and raise your hips to the same level as the bench. Your body should be in a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.

3.Squeeze your hips hard for a second, then slowly bend your knees to bring your body back to the floor.


Major Working Muscles: Triceps

How to:

1.Sit on the side of the bench with your feet on the floor. Hold the edge of the bench with both hands.

2.Push your hips up and forward so your weight is mostly on your hands. This is your starting position.

3.Lower your hips to floor level by bending your elbows behind you. Focus on your triceps and bring your hips closer to the bench.

4.Push your body back until your elbows lock.


Major Working Muscles: leg

How to:

1.Lie on your back, legs extended, and arms by your sides.
2.Engage your core by pulling your navel toward your spine.
3.Raise your legs a few inches off the ground.
4.Slowly lower your legs towards the floor without touching it.
5.Keep your lower back pressed into the mat.
6.Use your core to control the descent and ascent.
7.Bring your legs back up using your abdominal muscles.


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